Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Ten Craftsmen Production - Publication #2 - 06/19/2018

Story by 
Doppelgänger Shockwave
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Murder. It was all too clear to George Janos when he began to feel his lungs constricting inside of his barrel-sized chest as he fell from the dining room table. His killer, a buxom tall six-foot-one bleach blonde tart named Marissa Hutchens, stood over him with a glass of Merlot in her right hand--her arms crossed while she watched him drag his six-five 390 pound carcass across her dining room floor for the front door.
Marissa impatiently tapped her long red-painted fingernail on her ring finger across the body of her wine glass before taking a sip of the sweet red nectar.

Hurry up and die, you fat sack of crap,” Marissa shrieked at the burly man dying on her kitchen floor while Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto thunderously played on the living room stereo.

Marissa then tossed the rest of her red wine onto George's face as he lied on his back asphyxiating from the hydrogen cyanide she had slipped into his favorite Hungarian soup.

You really thought you were going to fuck me again tonight, didn't you,” Marissa charged derisively. “Well think again, you pompous prick! Tonight it's me who is finally going to be fucking you! And you-you-you sorry excuse for a man,” Marissa uttered in frustration as she ferociously kicked George in the right side of his rib cage with her black seven-inch heels. “You will pay for your sins against me, motherfucker!”

And just like that, George was dead.
Marissa showed no remorse for her former boss as his lifeless body lied there on her oak floor. Yesterday George fired Marissa for her scientific research and confiscated all of her work on a highly controversial drug which was still in early development. The drug was supposed to give the human brain the ability to regrow severed limbs, but the drug proved to be too volatile. During clinical trials, seven participants violently died when
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their brain exploded inside their skull. George accused her of unethical use of company property and told Marissa that the only reason he wasn't getting the police involved was that all of the participants were homeless war veterans, and no one was going to give a damn about them.
This morning Marissa called up George and invited him over for dinner under the false pretenses that she wanted to discuss getting her research back, but George didn't want to hear about it. Well, not at first anyway. Then George got to thinking. Big mistake. He should've just hung up the phone instead. But being the pig he was, George thought he could get between her thighs one last time for old-time's sake seeing how they did briefly have an affair and all. Marissa began to tease old Georgie over the phone, tempting him with her sexual prowess, intensifying her faux southern accent with each and every squeal George would make. You see, Marissa is quite the fraud. She and her family are originally from Portland, Oregon, and they've only lived in Odessa, Texas for the last six years. Marissa Hutchens isn't even her real name, but that's for another story.
Marissa knew she would never get her research back, so she decided to put George out with the rest of the world's garbage.
It was going to be a very long night for Marissa. She knew she had to dispose of the wrinkly sack of big bones before he started to smell, so she took the gargantuan corpse of her former boss by his tie and drug him into the garage with all her might across the newly waxed floor.

Jeezis Chrysler, George! Did you really have to release your bowels just now,” Marissa chided at the corpse of her former boss just as the tie tore in two. “Shit! What in the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

Marissa soon remembered the crowbar she had in the garage. She quickly grabbed it, and hooked it into the roof of his mouth and drug him into the garage.
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Ungh,” Melissa grunted as she pulled the nearly 400 lb corpse into the garage with both hands on the steel bar. “Couldn't you have at least lost some weight before I killed you? No, I guess that's asking for too much, isn't it old Georgie? Just as it was too much for you to handle my request for a grant for my research into manipulating the human brain to regenerate lost limbs, right? So what if every test subject died a horrible death? Some have to die so that others may live. I guess your lard butt never did understand that part of the equation.”

Marissa took the axe her brother Geoff had given her for Christmas so she could chop up firewood and put it to good use. After she hacked George to bits, she stuffed his remains into several lawn trash bags.
Later that night, after Marissa cleaned up all of the blood, bile, and wine in the house, she threw George's remains into the back of her Chevy Equinox and drove his hacked carcass off into the Texas desert about 75 miles from her home. Marissa then dug a hole five feet deep and buried the remains along with the axe.
Just as the dawn was coming on, Marissa got back into her SUV and headed home. Marissa almost called in sick, but she quickly snapped out of her momentary lapse of memory and headed for the most comfortable place in her defiled home--her bed.
When she awoke at noon, the house wreaked of bleach. Marissa opened up all of her windows to air out her home. She then stripped off her pj's and jumped into the shower. The hot water felt good as it patted against her breasts.
George's blood was a real pain to get off her skin, especially in the pelvic region. How his blood got there, Marissa couldn't tell you. She scrubbed her body until the water turned ice cold.
Just as she turned off the water, the phone began to ring. Water dripped from her body as she walked back to the living room to answer the frantically ringing phone.
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Hello,” Marissa answered. “Marissa Hutchens,” the strange voice replied on the other end.
Yes, who is this?”
My name is Richard Dudikoff. I'm a reporter with Science Journal, and I'd like to talk to you about a new research I hear you're involved.”
And what research is that, Mistah Dudikoff,” Marissa replied.”
The one where you're experimenting with a new drug that will cause the human brain to regenerate detached extremities.”

Marissa paused for a moment, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the reporter on the phone.

If you have the time, Miss Hutchens, I would very much like to meet with you at your home for an interview this evening at say five? I'm only in town for the day, so I could easily have a cab take me to your home if that's okay with you.”

Marissa thought for a moment about what Richard had proposed. She was skeptical about the man at first. She couldn't understand how he knew about the drug when she had not divulged her research to anyone but George, and George didn't know until the day he fired her. Was one of the participants a stooge? She became paranoid at first, wondering if she wasn't being set up for criminal charges against her.
Marissa quickly put that all out of her mind. This was the chance of a lifetime to expose her work to the public. She knew she couldn't have the reporter over, however. The house stunk like a garbage can filled with bloody tampons, chemical containers, and wine bottles.

Mistah Dudikoff, I'm afraid my home simply won't do,” Marissa said in a tender northern imitation of a southern accent. “Ya see, I have relatives ovah, n' they're all quite nosy. They
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don't know about my research yet, n' I don't wanna let them in on it until I have the cure figured out. Perhaps I could come over n' talk with ya at the hotel yer residin' in. Would that be okay?”
Sure,” Richard replied. “That would be just fine. I'm staying at the MCM Grande Hotel. Do you know where that is?”
Oh yes, I sure do.”
Good. When you come into the lobby, and they'll contact me. See you at five!”

Marissa laid down her phone and looked around her home. It was a mess. Last night's dinner was still on the dining room table, and her clothes laid in the corner of her bedroom. Marissa knew she had to get rid of her bloody black dress, shoes, and undergarments, so she lit a log in the fireplace and threw them all into the fire. While the fire burned the last remaining bits of evidence, she grabbed a trash bag from underneath the kitchen sink and began to toss the leftover food into the bag, except the soup. She poured it down the drain, and threw the bowl and spoon into the trash bag.
Marissa quickly got dressed and hopped into her SUV to go to the hotel to speak with Richard about her research.
When Marissa arrived, she spoke with the bellhop, but they had never heard of Richard Dudikoff, and the logs did not show that anyone had checked in under that name. She asked the bellhop if there was any other MCM Grande Hotels in town, to which the bellhop replied--

Sorry, but we're the only one in town.”

Marissa knew she was being duped, but who it was she could not figure out. Frustrated, she drove back home. When she got back inside her phone rang again.

Marissa Hutchens? This is Richard Dudikoff with the Science Journal. Did you forget about our meeting at 5 pm today,” the
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strange voice said on the other side of the phone.

Marissa was furious. She wanted to ring Richard's neck. She was seething, and yet Marissa didn't speak a word.

Marissa? Are you there, dear? Look, I still want to interview you. Could I please stop by your home tonight at 7 pm before my plane leaves for New York? ...Marissa?”
Sure, Richard--if that's even your real name,” Marissa replied without her phony southern accent.
Marissa, what happened to your accent? Everything okay? You sound angry.”
I'm just fine, Richard. Just. Fine. I showed up at the MCM Grande Hotel you told me you were staying at, and they told me they had no one by your alleged name.”
Oh dear, I am so sorry, Marissa. I gave you the wrong hotel. I'm actually at the MCM ElegantĂ©. I tried to book the other place, but they were packed due to a convention. Marissa, please forgive me for my error. I did not mean to mislead you. I will make it up to you tonight when I come over to your house. You live on Eastridge Road, correct?”
Yes,” Marissa replied with a slight skepticism in her voice.
Oh good! Well--I will see you tonight at seven then. Goodbye, Marissa!”

Marissa didn't believe Richard's story for one second. Someone was trying to get one over on her, and whomever it was would pay dearly for their transgressions.
Marissa prepared herself for Richard's arrival. She opened her medical kit and took out the highly experimental drug that had caused seven people to die. This vile was the only thing she was able to walk away with as it was hidden well inside of her vagina. If anything were to go awry, Richard would experience the painful death that only this drug could deliver.
Just as Marissa was re-applying her last bit of lipstick, the doorbell rang. As she answered the bell, a short and slender man
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with an outdated brown sports coat, drab tie, black-rimmed glasses, kinky shoulder length brown hair and a full beard stood outside her door.

Hi, Marissa. I'm Richard Dudikoff. May I please come in?”

Marissa looked Richard over, sizing him up. She then raised her right eyebrow slightly and battered her eyelashes before she scoffed and walked away towards the couch in her living room.

Mistah Dudikoff,” Marissa said as his name soured in her mouth. “Before we go any further, I have to ask ya somethin'.”
Hey, your accent is back,” Richard quipped back in a half-joking tone. “Um...Sure. You can ask me anything you like. And please, call me Richard.”
How did ya find out about my research? Nobody knew I was workin' on this new drug.”
Oh, well someone named George Janos called me up last week to tell me about some new research, and he just happened to mention your name.”

Marissa' jaw dropped. She couldn't understand why George would call up someone at the Science Journal, only to turn around and fire her for her unethical practices on human test subjects. She quickly walked off into the kitchen and poured herself a full glass of wine, and juiced it like it was water. She poured another glass for herself, and one for Richard, and walked back into the living room where Richard stood as he looked at photographs of Marissa' former colleagues on the mantle above the fireplace.

Mistah Dudi--I mean, Richard. Now Richard, are ya certain that George Janos called ya up to talk with ya about my research?”
Oh...No,' Richard retorted. “Mister Janos didn't actually call me about you. He called to tell me about his research on
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creating a new revolutionary drug that would allow the human brain to regenerate lost limbs. He just happened to mention you were his assistant.”
What...,” Marissa responded.

Marissa was devastated that George was trying to steal her life's work from her just so he could take credit and get his name in the Science Journal. And for what? A drug which caused seven people's brains to explode like a bottle rocket. Something didn't add up.

Wait...If George is taking credit for the drug, then why do you want to talk to me for,” Marissa said in a suspicious tone as she dropped her faux southern accent again.
Seriously? You haven't heard? Mister Janos is dead. They found his remains this morning in the desert, just outside of Big Spring. He was apparently hacked to bits. They even found the murder weapon in his makeshift grave.”

Marissa smashed grabbed a nearby wine glass sitting on the fireplace's banister and smashed it. She then put the razor-sharp glass next to Richards aorta as he sat on the couch.

Now listen here, you little shit! I don't know who in the hell you are, but if you don't answer all of my questions truthfully I'll gut your ass and filet you like a fish! Now who in the fuck are you, and do you know, little man?”

Richard was in a state of panic. He began to stammer, muttering incoherent sentences, and urinating all over his gray corduroy pants.

P-P-Please, d-d-don't hurt m-me,” Richard sniveled. “W-What do you w-want to kn-kn-know,” Richard stammered.
Who told you George Janos was dead,” Marissa replied.
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It-It-It was in the n-n-news th-this m-morning! D-Don't you have a t-t-t-television?”

Marissa paused again before she responded. She didn't want to let on she was George's killer after all.

Did they say how they find his body?”
He was b-buried near an oi-oil well. Whoever bu-buried him mu-must've st-struck an oil de-de-deposit b-because his g-grave was f-flooded with oi-oil!”
Richard, I am so sorry for losin' my cool with ya. I've had a very rough week. Ya see George didn't create the drug. I did. And now yer tellin' me he was takin' credit for my work after he fired me?!”
W-What? Wait a minute? You created it? And he fired you over the drug,” Richard said as he stumbled off of the couch.
Yes, that's right,” Marissa said in her exaggerated fake southern accent.
But why,” Richard replied.
Well, seeing how he called ya, I think George wanted his last claim to glory just before he died. Just to let ya in on a little secret. George was 79-years-old, okay, n' he was in need of a heart transplant, ya see? Well, the doctors told him they wouldn't operate on him until he lost 90 pounds. I guess he thought he was gonna die.”
Wow! Okay then. Well..,” Richard trailed off. “...But who would want to...”

Richard stopped himself because he suddenly realized he was in even more trouble than before. Richard lightly cleared his throat, and started to walk backwards towards the front door.

You know something, Marissa. I just realized my plane is about to leave, so I better hurry and get to the airport, so I don't miss it. I'll call you when I get to New York, and we'll
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have a proper interview over the phone, okay?”
Wait one blasted second there,” Marissa shot back at the nervous reporter. “Who in the hell said that you were going anyway, you little pipsqueak?”

Marissa towered over Richard, with a mere five-six stature to her long and vivacious six-one.
Richard tried to run for the front door, but Marissa stabbed him through his back and chest with a cold steel firewood poker. Richard died instantly from the shock.
Just then someone showed up at her door to ring her bell. In a panic, Marissa pulled Richard into her laundry room and threw him onto the cool cement. She quickly shut the door and answered the bell.

Yes? May I help ya, ma'am,” Marissa said with a spurious smile and her fraudulent accent.
Evening, miss. I'm Inspector Rachel Duke with the Odessa Police Department. I understand George Janos was your boss, and I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind.”

Inspector Duke was a beautiful blonde with a vivacious figure, with a medium stature of five-eight. Her piercing blue eyes could make even the worst liars tell the truth. A veteran on the force for 25-years, the inspector could tell when someone was trying to bullshit their way out of a bad situation.

Now let me see here,” the inspector said as she looked through her notes. “Your name is Marissa Lynn Hutchens, correct,” the inspector asked while she tried to look past Marissa standing in the doorway.
Why yes, yes it is,” Marissa replied in her most disingenuous southern accent.
Miss Hutchens, are you aware that Mister Janos was murdered last night?”
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Marissa started to phone in some tears to give the inspector the illusion that she was genuinely torn over his death.

Oh Gawd yes,” Marissa concurred as her phony accent got thicker and longer drawn with each syllable while her tears ran away from her eyes like a chicken who was being chased by a stallion. “I couldn't believe it when a reporter called me up to talk about his untimely death. Did ya know he was workin' on a drug that would cause the human brain to regenerate lost limbs?”
No, ma'am, I didn't,” the inspector replied.
Well, just between yourself and I, it was a hoax of a drug. I mean the tests caused seven people's brains to explode inside their skull like a hand-grenade. Do you think that could've been why someone would've hacked George to bits and then bury him in an oil patch out near Big Spring?”

The inspector knew Marissa wasn't playing with a full deck. The smell of bleach began to fill the insides of the inspector's nostrils. That's when she knew she was onto the killer's trail.

Miss Hutchens. What is that pungent aroma coming from your home? Is that bleach I'm smelling?”

Marissa's eyes grew slightly as she began to circulate a believable lie in her head.

I'm afraid so, inspector. I was in the middlah cleanin' my floors, n' washin' my whites when ya came a-knockin'. Now if'n ya don't mind, I'd like to finish up before I have to go to bed.”
All right, ma'am. I have just one more question. Where were you last night at about 3:30 in the morning?”
I was asleep in my bed. Is that it, inspector?”
For now it is. All right, well I'll be in touch with you if I need anything else. Have a good night, Miss Hutchens.”

Inspector Duke got into her Lincoln Continental and drove off
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for the city morgue.

Something isn't right about that woman, the inspector thought to herself. I can't prove it yet, but I think she killed Mister Janos.

Chief Coroner, Michael Bellows, presided over the murder case of George Janos. Michael was about five-ten, bald, with chocolate for skin and cotton for a beard. He'd served as the city's coroner for nearly 45-years.

Hey, Mike. What do you have for me tonight on the Janos case,” the inspector asked the coroner.
Evening, Rachel. Well...It looks like Mister Janos was poisoned with hydrogen cyanide before he was chopped to bits with this here axe,” the coroner replied. “Now, there's no way we could pull any fingerprints off the weapon. It's completely drenched in crude oil. We were, however, able to track down a list of people who have bought this particular axe in the last six months thanks to a little research on that computer over there.”

The inspector skimmed over the list, and a name quick stuck out--Geoff Hutchens. The address was the same as Marissa's.
Just as Inspector Duke pulled up to the house with a warrant she saw Marissa running into the house. The inspector knew she had her suspect dead to rights.
Inspector Duke called in for backup as she pulled out her Colt .45 and approached the house with caution. She knocked on the door and announced herself.

Marissa Hutchens, this Inspector Rachel Duke with the Odessa Police Department! I have a warrant for your arrest! Open the door, and come out peacefully with your hands above your head where I can see them!”
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Just then a loud bang rang out as buckshot blasted a hole the size of a watermelon through the door. The inspector hit the deck of the home's porch just in time.
The inspector rolled off the porch and onto the grassy yard. She quickly brought herself up onto her left knee and pulled out her revolver. She then aimed at the hole in the door and pulled her gun's trigger three times while gripping her right wrist firmly to reduce recoil.
Inspector Duke then got up and ran to the back of the house as she heard the back screen door slam against the door frame. It was hard to see, seeing how it was night and no lights surrounded the house, so the inspector pulled out a miniature flashlight from her orange leather sports coat's left pocket.
Just then an engine roared to life as the headlights of a classic Ford Mustang revved to life. The car barreled down the alleyway towards the inspector. She quickly leaped out of the way into a tall grass field and fired two shots at the tires of the Mustang. Sadly both shots missed as the car slid out onto the road. Inspector Duke ran back to her unmarked squad car and took off after the hot rod.
Zipping through nighttime traffic, the inspector was hot on the Mustang's trail. Having no time to safely replenish her revolver, the inspector popped open her glove compartment and pulled out a Glock 17.
The inspector quickly fired four shots out her window at the Mustang, popping its tire—causing the car to flip and roll off into a former mechanic shop's garage door.
Marissa and Geoff climbed out of the demolished Mustang and ran into the shop to find a place to hide. Inspector Duke came to an abrupt stop and ran towards the building after them as a patrol car with two officers pulled up to inspect the wreckage.

Evening, gentleman,” the inspector said to the officers in uniform. “Inspector Rachel Duke before you. We have two dangerous suspects who may have murdered one George Janos this morning. One of them has a shotgun and has opened fire upon yours truly, so be
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extra careful. You two go around back, and I'll try to snuff them out.”

The inspector took out her miniature flashlight again and proceeded with caution into the abandoned mechanic shop. The musk was strong inside as dust hung in the air.
Just as the inspector walked past a steel shelf, Geoff, a gangly looking sort with long stringy hair and coke-bottle glasses pointed his shotgun at the back of Inspector Duke's head.

Stop right there, or I swear I'll blow your fucking head off, lady,” Geoff shouted at the inspector. “Now toss your gun and turn around.”

The inspector complied and slung her gun a few feet away. As she turned towards Geoff, Marissa walked up to greet the inspector.

Hello, Inspector Duke. I guess you know by now that I killed George Janos,” Marissa said to the inspector without hesitation. “Let me assure you that I had a very legitimate reason. You see, George was a thief and a real bastard. He stole my research for a new drug I was working on that would allow the human brain to regenerate lost limbs, and then he fired me and confiscated all of my work claiming I was misusing company property. Initially, I thought that George just couldn't understand what I was trying to do, but thanks to a journalist, who I sadly had to kill to keep from going to the police, provided me with the truth. And now, here we are. You can either let me go, or you can die like the others. It makes no difference to me, honey, 'cause see--I'm a total narcissist, and I couldn't care less who lives or dies anymore. That bastard broke me, and everyone is collateral damage at this point.”

Just then the officers walked in on Marissa and Geoff. At first, they didn't say anything. Both were trained Marines, fresh
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out of serving in the Middle East, so they knew when to talk and when to listen. While they stood 10-feet behind Marissa and Geoff, Inspector Duke tried to play it cool.

So let me get this straight. You took two men's lives over a new drug, without an ounce of remorse? So why help people out by creating this new miracle drug?”
Simple. I did it for the notoriety. I could not even give an ounce of fucks about whether it really helped people or not. I already killed seven people with it, why not a million more?”
You are one sick puppy, lady.”
All right, hold it right there, you two,” one of the officers spouted.

In a panic Geoff fired at one of the officers, hitting them in their Kevlar vest. The inspector went for her gun and fired three shots into Geoff's back straight at his heart. Marissa bolted for the nearest exit but caught a bullet in her left thigh from the other officer.

Oww, goddammit,” Marissa shouted. “You stupid son-of-a-bitch! You hit my fucking leg!”
Lady, you are under arrest,” Inspector Duke said as she handcuffed Marissa. “You have the right to remain silent, and I highly recommend that you do just that because anything you say from this moment forward will be used against your sorry self in a court of law. Do I make myself clear?”

Inspector Duke picked Marissa up and hauled her off to the officer's patrol car.

Inspector,” the officer spoke. “Why are you sticking her in my squad car? She's gonna bleed all over until an ambulance gets here for my partner.”
I don't need her ruining my seats. My car's simply too nice for that kind of mess.”